Students at Lucy School work with a committed and experienced team of staff members. 95% of our teachers have a bachelor's degree in education or subject-related fields, and teaching assistants must be Senior Staff certified by MSDE. Our commitment to staff development assists dedicated educational professionals in continuing to develop their skills
Are you interested in joining the Lucy School team? You can use these links to explore open positions with our school.
Preschool and Kindergarten
Courtney Thomas
Pre-School Threes - Lead Teacher
Eva Sanderson
Pre-School Threes - Lead Teacher
Jennifer Segara
Pre-School Threes - Assistant
Jesmine Gamage
Pre-School Threes - Assistant
Krista Crews
Pre-School Fours - Lead Teacher
Brittney Smith
Pre-School Fours - Lead Teacher
Emily Holda
Pre-School Fours - Assistant
Lauren Williams
Assistant Teacher - After Care
Kate Knowlton
Kindergarten - Lead Teacher
Angie Gibson
Kindergarten - Assistant
Elementary School
Ann O'keefe
First Grade Teacher
Mary Davies
Second Grade Teacher
Lauren Glynn
Third Grade Teacher
Sandy Lehnert
Fourth Grade Teacher
Middle School
Tracy Brown
Social Studies
Sue Comlish
Beth Hartner
Angela Smithhisler
Language Arts
Elizabeth Hinton
Tristan Snyder
Rachael Phillips
Physical Education
Brighid Durant
Rebecca Remaley
Learning Support Specialist
Kelly Holland
Preschool Music
Dan Buck
Head of School
Chris Isleib
Director of Teaching & Learning
Colleen Opitz
Business Manager
Tricia Fegley
Associate Director for the Arts
Bonnie Monnier
Communications Coordinator
Kevin Connolly
Facilities Manager
Sophia Forbes
Office Administrative Assistant
Joshuah Emery
Shuttle Driver