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The school promotes a true love and respect for nature by getting the kids outside enjoying it. They are involved in hands-on projects taking care of their little piece of the earth.

We also feel like the depth and breadth of learning across subjects is really beyond what you find at most schools- partly because of the curriculum itself and partly because of the small classes and personalized attention each child receives, so that they are constantly challenged just the right amount. The kids start working on critical thinking skills and considering issues from multiple perspectives right from the start. It’s amazing to me that school can be way more fun than I remember AND at the same time provide a stronger education. Every time I come across an article about skills for the 21st century or modernizing education, I can’t believe we have this rare little school right here that has already been thinking this way for years- and implementing it so well.

Amanda - Mom of 2 Lucy Students

“In first grade, our son learned to excel in reading, science and mathematics. Their approach to teaching mathematics was different from what I learned back in the 1980’s but is apparently far more comprehendible for a young mind, as my son is ages ahead of where I was in public school at his age. This dedication and love for their students is evident in everything that the teachers and administration do for the students at Lucy School. Truly a special place to be.”

John, Lucy Parent


“I’ve been here so long, it feels like family.”

Reagan - Middle School Student

“The teachers and staff have the wonderful ability to recognize each student's unique potential. Combine that with the bucolic setting and Lucy School is the perfect fit for our children.”

Michelle - Mom of 3 Lucy Students


“Lucy School has been the best educational decision my partner and I have made for our three boys, ages 3, 5, and 6. After the first week of school, our oldest declared that Lucy School let him be himself! The school embraced his energy, love of the outdoors, creativity and love of the arts- setting the foundation for a love of learning through play and the arts. Lucy School staff, parents and students support each other as an extended family-truly getting to know you as an individual- caring and supporting each other.”


Jessica - Mom of 3 Lucy Students

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“We as parents are very happy with the high quality of education they receive while actually enjoying their time at school. The teachers are friendly, buildings are lovely, and the standards are high. Such a unique and inspiring school. So happy my children have this opportunity to create, learn, and play at Lucy School.”

Danielle - Mom of 3 Lucy Students

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“My family started on Lucy School's very first day, and both my boys have carried the attitude they learned there with them ever since: learning is the ultimate adventure story, filled with drama, self-expression, surprise and wonder.

I've said it a thousand times and I'm sure to say it a thousand more: Lucy School is THE MOST PERFECT SCHOOL I have ever known. Students regularly come in contact with exceptional artists and educators and very innovative projects and techniques. The dual focus on (1) the arts as a profoundly powerful instrument of learning and (2) appreciation of and stewardship for the earth create a dynamic learning environment that is catalytic. We are forever grateful for our Lucy School days and wish every child could grow and learn in this exceptional school.”

Teresa - Mom of College & High School Lucy Alumni

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“One academic experience I've found meaningful was going to Lucy School. The experience I've had at Lucy school has changed me personally and changed my outlook on the future. Since moving to Lucy School I've had closer friendships than ever and better relationships with my teachers. I've also been a lot more engaged in school overall. I have gotten better grades than ever before, came home and told my family all about what I was learning, and wake up excited for school.”

- Lucy School Middle School Student as written in her high school application